
Welcome to the home page of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church Upwey

We are a local church, celebrating our life as God’s children, seeking to live our lives around the beautiful person of Jesus Christ.

Our mission is “to be disciples of Jesus revealing God’s Kingdom”

Our gathered worship on a Sunday is in a contemporary, yet traditional, Anglican style. 

We richly celebrate our heritage as Anglican Christians, but seek to reveal the truth of Jesus relevant to each new generation. 

We usually celebrate Holy Communion on a fortnightly basis.

We have a variety of regular activities that spiritually strengthen our worshipping family, and connect with our wonderful Hills community. These include groups for men, women, children and families.


Holy Trinity is celebrating,

100 years on its present site in Upwey.

Join us as we reflect on its journey,

1924 to 2024.

Family fun day

Saturday May 25th  2024 – 11 am to 2pm.


Sausage sizzle, lucky dip, old school activities, dress ups, and more…

and 10.30 am Trinity Sunday 26th May 2024.